Friday, February 8, 2013

Some Good Years Left

The way I have been stealing fishing hours in the interstices of my overworked, silicon-valley-slave lifestyle of the past year or so, I have always felt like I deserved every damn little bit of goodness and happiness coming from fishing, and therefore haven't noticed something important: it has been GOOD and better than normal, better than before.

This came home to me a moment ago when I was reading back to blogs from a few years ago, when I camped on a delta levee and had a ball in general -- but only picked up a few two-pounders for my troubles.  What?  Well, generally, that's the delta: if you're not in the right place (in a massive quasi-wilderness of waterways) at the right time (in a swell of tidal currents that changes speed and even directions, daily) then you're out of luck.  Sometimes you hit it, often you don't.  Sure, I smacked the hell out of small stripers on the San Luis forebay with topwater all through September -- you expect that.

But check it out, on the big old delta, even with my lil kayak program, which limits me to a 10-15 mile range instead of the zipping and zooming 50 miles or more claimed by motorboats, I have been catching good fish every damn trip since they started in October.  



December (OK, I took a break in December, but this still looks like good luck, right?):

January, in cold-ass, turbid water:

And last week, one of a dozen-fish FEBRUARY day!!!

Yes, I have been taking this for granted, along with radically wonderful Baja fishing over Christmas  break, and Thanksgiving ceviche in Costa Rica . . . what an ungrateful pig I am!  I should have been thanking my lucky stars while scarfing down a "Four Fish Feast" on New Year's Eve (sierra-grouper-snook-bonito), and the same for the day I fried up most of that big vermillion rockfish . . . but in flashes, I guess I actually was :)

Reminded of the reminding power of this blog a moment ago, though, I wanted very much to make sure to remind myself: though I'm aging and achey and overworked and disgruntled, I have been having it pretty damn good. So I should shut up --

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