They wuz way down low on the river, below the brayds. But eventually I found em at the Tin Shack:
Kot one more there but they looked too krimson-kolored for good eeting:
Fortunately just downstreem they were a little freshr:
So the karnage got started: 1 chunk for sashimi, 1 chunk for fryin up:
Next morning missed a couple on the wogg but did end up with this broot:
Some of them kohos was bigg!
And some were silvery on the outside but
orange on the inside:
Yum! ALL you can eet, as it should be.
Heer I'm trying to say something about how corvina fishing in Baja sometimes seems like katching kohos, but this this time the koho fishing in Alaska felt kind of like corvina fishing:
Heerz one that ran CIRCLES around me, but hoo looks stoopid now, Mr. Koho????
This pikture was took right before my pickup and I thot about keeping him to bring back -- but again, kind of krimsonish:
Shor was a great last koho though! Jumped a bunch and ran me into backing on an 8wt, just so I'd remember why these kohos are so damn kool. Whether it's the Naknek or Alagnak or maybe the Kisaralik or Kanektok, I'll be back after them kohos someday again!
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