Anyone who has spent some time in the delta knows what I am talking about. When you get back into this giant maze of canals, cuts, and flooded islands, you can momentarily feel like you are in a true wilderness. It can be quiet and vast at times. The tules surround you while the currents whispers through the weeds, a heron lifts slowly into the foggy air with its lonely, rasping cry, and then -- and then on the bank you espy the sixteenth abandoned couch of the morning. The seventh refrigerator. The fifth houseboat, burnt and sunk for insurance purposes.

Weekdays are the best times in the delta, as my last visit with flys4b8 Mike demonstrated very clearly. Our plan was to camp Friday night at Russo's Marina ($20 to camp in basically a parking lot, $10 to launch a kayak), and our error was to not call ahead and ask questions. For instance, we should have asked if Russo's was hosting anything like the weigh-in for one of these rich cultural events known as "fishing tournaments." If you have never witnessed one of these events, let me tell you that it is quite an experience. Not only was the usually-deserted campsite full to the gills, but the lights were kept on all night on a general spectacle of drinking, shouting, bragging about fat fish and fast boats, and, most especially, misdirecting and misinforming the competition about fishing spots and methods. It was a true comedy, and we did settle down and try to enjoy it. But no sooner had the human hullabaloo died down than the diesel thunder began, and guys started backing their trailers down to the water from 3:00 a. m. right up to sunrise in order to get an early start on the day. Both the sound and smell of that prevented any real sleep from happening inside a backpacking tent. I feel sure that the winners of these bouts are the guys who fish best on zero sleep, drunk and/or hungover.
Way down away from the concentrated human activity near Russo's, there is an area of the south delta that feels especially forgotten, empty, and pleasant. There's a run-down marina/resort in the area, of course, but get this: they charge THIRTY dollars for a crap campsite on top of the ten for launching. You gotta be kidding. I'll stay in Motel 6 for 37.99 before I go for THAT. And no, I do not pay those ridiculous launch fees. My general way of getting in the water in this area is to launch ever so carefully from the rocky levees enclosing one of the east-west running canals. There's a bit of wake-dodging to be done on weekend mornings, but then boom, you are right on fishable water and in position to hit prime areas both on the outgoing and incoming tides, as long as you time it right and are willing to paddle a few miles to your fishing. I always am!
Most nights in this particular area, you'll see trucks or vans pulled over near a burning campfire, and several guys, girls and kids sitting in camp chairs next those big, long rods people use for catfishing. Somewhere at the bottom of the canal you presume there is some stinky old bait (mackerel is apparently a favorite, even though no mackerel naturally comes within 75 miles of the spot) and on the end of the rod there are usually bells that jingle when you are getting a bite. Some even have little motion-activated lights on them. Among the crowd there are hardcore catfishers that sit there fishin and drinkin right into the wee hours.
That's interesting (and probaby fun) fishing, though it ain't my particular type. But why shouldn't I follow their example and park on the levee all night? You can't do this everywhere in the delta; most of the "ground" is too wet, and on the raised ground and levees there is a sense that you are sure to be hassled or run off the property if you linger all night. By contrast, on this levee it seems to be OK to park and fish all night long. How about if you pull your truck up, put out a chair with a rod next to it, and make like you are catfishing all night when in fact you are inside the camper shell trying to get some rest for the next day's striper fishing?
This basically did work out for me. I'm not saying that it is perfectly restful nor that a few random trucks won't drive by in the wee hours, rousing you with Deliverance-type concerns. But I am saying that it is a practical way to not get gouged for third-rate camping, and I'm also saying that there are recommendable pleasures in it as well. The stars aren't as bright as in the sierras, but there is still an odd sense of the immense sky, ringed as it is by a ground horizon sprinkled with faraway lights. The wind farms on the hills look like weird Christmas tree farms, with red blinking lights going on and off in sychronization. You know that there's a lot of human habitation out there, but it is comfortably far away and the immediate surroundings are very quiet and peaceful. I sat in my camp chair with an abbey beer taking all this in, and even reached that sublime level of night-outness where I spontaneously talk to myself like Nick Adams. I thought about the hotel alternative in Tracy, with all the freeway noise and meth-heads in the next room, and said aloud, "I'm only going back into that hornet's nest if they make me."
As Thoreux wrote in Fresh Air Fiends, "My ideal in travel is just to show up and head for the bush, because most big cites are snake pits. In the bush there is always somewhere to pitch your tent." A levee in the delta ain't exactly the bush, and I didn't exactly dare to pitch my tent there, but you see what I mean. I was perched just on the fringe of the snake pit, the hornet's nest.
And yes the fishing was pretty good. Still no stripers of size for me, but I got a decent one on topwater Friday night, and then had a really good run of 2-4 pounders Saturday morning on the incoming tide. I'm glad I went, and I'm glad I have started a new career of camoflage levee camping. I hope to refine this practice as the striper season heats up through November. For I did spy some nice flat areas right near where the train tracks go through, and trains only make an enormous racket five or six times during the night . . . looks promising!

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